Our first project – a summary

988409_10152108734812949_573644025_nIt is now almost two weeks that I returned from India. I had planned to keep a regular blog while I was there, but the workload was so high and the days so long and busy that I simply didn’t find the time. I did my best to cover the most important points on our Facebook page and I hope that you will forgive that I now try to cover the entire crazy, moving, magical, inspiring, frustrating project trip in one blog entry.

Week 1
In the first week, I travelled to Chandigarh then to Hissar (both in Haryana) and onwards to Lucknow (Utter Pradesh). In Hissar, I met with a retired professor, Rishi, for sustainable agriculture and visited the college where he currently is a board member. We signed an MoU for a working partnership and some press members attended. It generated some articles in the newspapers the next day. I visited a couple of local government secondary schools and described our project to them and talked to them about the importance of contributing in their own communities.

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